Story Beginning and Ending (So Far)

Below is the beginning and ending of the story I have been working on. I wanted them to mirror each other, and it is how far I have got with my writing of the whole story. I changed the tense to present at the end because I wanted to reflect that the past is inContinue reading “Story Beginning and Ending (So Far)”

Week 11: Life Writing / Entry 1 [2nd December 2020]

I loved life writing! Fragmented writing is AWESOME! (for some reason, in my notes I jotted down: ‘We don’t need a structure!’ In hindsight, I strongly disagree, although the enthusiasm I express is worthy of writing here I think). I loved the voice I used when writing this, and would love to explore this more!Continue reading “Week 11: Life Writing / Entry 1 [2nd December 2020]”

Week 10: Building Scenes / Entry 2 [27th November 2020]

This week, the only new writing I did, other than tinkering with my story, was automatic writing from the seminar: Automatic writing – summary, scene, summary, scene 7 minutes  The letter had clearly been opened.  She wafted daintily through the house, dusty whisperings of jealousy striking around her feet as she went. She found herselfContinue reading “Week 10: Building Scenes / Entry 2 [27th November 2020]”

Week 10: Building Scenes / Entry 1 [25th November 2020]

Summary and scene  This week, I adored Tobias Wolff’s story, especially when his narrator fixated on the ceiling of the bank even though he was about to be shot. This is interesting, as the reader witnesses time slow down. It is again repeated when he is shot. The menial immaturity provides comic relief – whilstContinue reading “Week 10: Building Scenes / Entry 1 [25th November 2020]”

Beginnings (within Structure)

do not add too much detail do not pre-empt the story set the scene, introduce the character, be specific with what you choose to write about Whiteness upon whiteness, a blanketed wilderness, whose purpose remained only to conceal what no one knew to be there. How frosty, how open the world beyond seemed, in comparisonContinue reading “Beginnings (within Structure)”

Week 9: Structure – Shape and Figure / Entry 1 [17th November 2020]

This week, I established the necessity for a detailed plan which revolves around a figure. Like a corset, a structure needs to support and focus on the main figure.  In my story, Abigail is the main figure; She is our protagonist; good, brave, innocent, victimised. Like the red convertible in The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich, whichContinue reading “Week 9: Structure – Shape and Figure / Entry 1 [17th November 2020]”

Week 8: Voice and Dialogue / Entry 1 [10th November 2020]

What did you mean when you said that?  “I’m fine!” – classically means “I am absolutely not fine” Idea: A story in which one person says something that throws the entire story off course. The storytelling technique could be told almost entirely through dialogue? What do we learn from dialogue? Personality Heritage Relationship with otherContinue reading “Week 8: Voice and Dialogue / Entry 1 [10th November 2020]”

Potential Final Story Idea

I have been bouncing backwards and forwards between writing new things and returning to a story I wrote in the week we did Place and Setting, about a girl who becomes haunted by an apparition of her own mind due to her mental decline. I have since researched schizophrenia, and delved into the type ofContinue reading “Potential Final Story Idea”

Week 7: Point of View / Seminar Automatic Writing

Automatic writing – 7 minutes  Mary tells secret to John about Jane – gossip  MARY:  Oh, fuck. I didn’t mean to say it. Bollocking banana sacks. And here we go again, as I try to move away from this wicked cruelty of mine, I fall straight back into bitchiness at the first opportunity I get.Continue reading “Week 7: Point of View / Seminar Automatic Writing”

Week 7: Point of View / Entry 2 [5th November 2020]

After my last story entry, I became very upset, so decided to try writing something comical which I have not tried before, but, inspired by a hilarious writer in my class, I thought it would be fun to swap styles with her for a week.  Karen was perhaps the most stressed anyone had ever been.Continue reading “Week 7: Point of View / Entry 2 [5th November 2020]”

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